
Worked on a few projects "trying" to do the same thing. It is important to
know if the keys are broken or has something else failed. I'd love to help
but I'm just an architect so I suggest speaking with David Flarhaty at +1
(215) 234-8242 plus one other fella whose name slips my mind. I am on the
road and can find the name when I get back to the computer. They have
injected plaster to restore bond. I also forget exactly what they used but
recall it is similar to wood glue (but not that simple). 


Eric Hammarberg
Vice President
Thornton Tomasetti
51 Madison Avenue
New York, NY  10010
T 917.661.7800  F 917.661.7801  
D 917.661.8160  
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 -----Original Message-----
From: 	[log in to unmask] [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent:	Friday, April 13, 2007 09:37 AM Eastern Standard Time
To:	[log in to unmask]
Subject:	Re: [BP] Plaster consolidation

1840's antebellum single family home ; 
central hallway "discovered" to have original plaster and detail ;
owner asking the itenerate stone mason 
already working on historic chimblys  "to consolidate "
said plaster substrate in hallway only ...to insure its longevity and to
save its 1840 stencil of festoons and leaf ...

This can be done by injections (acrylic or  lime )or by getting to the back
from the other side of the wall which is sacrificial and possible ..the wood
.lathe however looks extreamly tight .
since there is so much snake oil systems out there 
looking for a pin -head  who may have knowledge of same subject 
willing to get plastered and  call me before I put natural cement over the
whole thing ........ Py.....

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