Father in Heaven thank you for your love for this mother andher baby  Thank you for being with them during this difacult time.  We ask that you bring them through together and all of this will be just a bad memory, but good that they will be together again.  In your precious name we pray.  Amen
Christ is the reason for the season. If there was not Chirst. There would be no Christ-mas. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!
Karen Carter
Class of '74
-------------- Original message --------------
From: Pat Ferguson <[log in to unmask]>
Hi Everyone, here is an update on Rosie.
This is just way too sad. I can't believe it, but she and her sweet little Baby deserves a whole lot of lovings and squeezings.
Here is her update below my name.

I'm really praying for that loving family.

Loving you all,
Pat Ferguson

An update on Emiley. She is doing very well, though there's a bit of nipple confusion because of the unfortunate circumstances, but her foster mother,
Melanie, is giving her the bottles with the nipples that are the closest thing to the mother's nipple.
For my postpartum visits with my midwife, I am told she is doing very well. She has gained three ounces since her birth, but the day after, she lost six,
and another one after that, but she's now weighing at nine fifteen.
I'm handling this situation as best I can, because I know I have to stay strong for her, but it's very hard. It's at the point now I'm scared to sleep
because I know I'm going to have the same nightmare.
I have nightmares of my caseworker bringing her to me, and she has no idea who I am, or even aware of the fact that I'm her mummy. She thinks in my nightmare
that her foster mother, Melanie is her mother.
Please keep me in your prayers everyone, and thank you all.
because of the love of god, may we always have a special smile, a sprinkle of love and kindness to shower upon thos e who god brings into our lives
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