
I'm praying for your alergies and for your work situation.  It can be 
uncomfortable to have a manager listen to your calls, but I pray he will 
have some good suggestions and that you will be able to improve.

visit me at
or subscribe to my podcast at
Keep smiling!

>From: Amy Gordon <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: been crazy!
>Date: Fri, 9 Feb 2007 18:07:00 -0500
>    I know what you mean as far as things being crazy the last few weeks.  
>I have been without a computer for a week or so and now I have been kind of 
>sicker than usual with my allergies so have had to leave early from work 
>yesterday and didn't go in today.  I have to be careful because we only get 
>6 days of unplanned time a year.  Also work has been kind of rough.  I am 
>now on progressive discipline which is kind of like probation due to not 
>getting enough sales.  My manager's manager will be setting with me one day 
>next week to listen to some of my calls and see if he can make any 
>    Well hope you all are doing okay.  I have and will continue to pray 
>over all your requests you all have made for prayer.  Hope everyone is 
>staying warm.  Oh by the way I also started helping a distant causin of 
>mine at her church teaching their youth interprative movements like what I 
>Later all,
>----- Original Message ----- From: "Jenifer Gilley" <[log in to unmask]>
>To: <[log in to unmask]>
>Sent: Friday, February 09, 2007 6:03 AM
>Subject: been crazy!
>>Hi all!
>>No, didn't fall of the face or the earth!  *grin*  It's been a crazy few 
>>First for the good news... my sister-in-law had her baby.  Kyle Joshua was 
>>born on january 31st at 05:34 pm.  He is absolutely adorable!  I went to 
>>see him last weekend!  And, my other sister-in-law fould out she's having 
>>a boy in july.
>>Prayer request... one of the men on the fire department my dad was a 
>>volunteering at, has this blood disease where his bone maro is defective. 
>>I don't want to try to spell or say the name.  His transplant is today. 
>>There is a chance he could die from the procedure or during it.  Please 
>>keep him in prayer.  His name is John.  He's married and has 3 kids.
>>There's been overtime at work like crazy so if i don't write.. that's why.
>>Love you all!
>>Jenifer gilley
>>CHRIST came that we may have life everlasting.
>>check out my blog
>>AIM: jenibear1998
>>[log in to unmask]