Back in the early 1990's I was a comic book dealer on the weekends while working in a mind numbing job at John Hancock Life Insurance. Anyway, I remember a Gilgamesh graphic novel that Jim Starlin illustrated for Marvel comics back in the late 80's which was very cool. Jim Starlin was the original illustrator of the 1970's Captain Marvel.
When I was in college, I dated a goofy young woman who wanted me to buy her a rare and expensive illustrated copy of the Ruybiat of Omar Khayyam. At the time I was rather limited in my knowledge of world literature (17yrs old) and I had no idea what she was talking about. All I knew was that she wanted it and I wanted her (or parts of her...). My first introduction to the world of eastern lit fueled by teenage lust. Education by whatever means necessary.  

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