I'm fairly sure I have seen, and worked around that error,
or one that sounds similar.
IIRC, the system was not patched (in general) enough
and the MS run-time installers were the wrong versions.
(I can't remember what MS calls them, but I "think" they
are up to version 3.<?>)

Look into that yourself.
I hope this points you in a productive direction.

If the computer works at all, part of the process might be to
use the special Norton cleaners from their site. Once a Norton
install (new or old) is damaged it is not easy (or quick) to get
things "right" again, (but I always have).

                        Good luck,

                                              Rick Glazier

From: "dorothy jones"
> Can anyone help me sort out my lap top? I have an HP running Windows XP pro.
> I paid for and downloaded Norton Antivirus 2007  from Symantic, and was 
> installing the files when an error message came up, unable to install. The 
> program went through an investigation after which it again said it was 
> unable to install and to close the installation page.
> Then my lap top came up with the following message.
> STOP: Coooo21a {Fatal System Error}. The session manager initialisation 
> system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of
> Ox000003a ()x00000000 Ox0000000).
> The lap top shut down and opened again with a message Autochck program not 
> found Skip Autochck.
> It closed down again and when it started up again a black screen appeared 
> with lines of white writing  showing me several choices for starting in safe 
> mode etc. Each choice I clicked on gave me lists of system files then 
> restarted and went through the whole process again. I tried starting the lap 
> top several times but got the same procedure over and over again.
> Can anyone tell me what is happening?

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