Last summer 
My wife ,the preservation architect was working on her "Foundation "  of  
make up when 
I tried to get into the bathroom door
"your what" I hollered from the other side 
"My patina "  
One summer i was working a limestone wall on Columbia' university 's corner  
at I think 115 th street and Amsterdam .
We were about 50 ft in the air and the architect wanted us to remove one of  
the limestone  panels at the corner to examine the anchoring system .
The building was from about 1910 , and when I removed the first panel there  
written on the steel I beam in chalk was  the distinct message from my  
brothers in labor from long ago  ........"Fuck you  "   
Not long ago I had an opportunity to visit the Dordogne where the 17,000 BC  
prehistoric cave
paintings are ;
Fantastic images abounded  in the light
 as a group of masonry professionals ooh ed and ahhed ,
 over zoom orphic  bulls , horses . 
and  forms of  wild life now extinct ...
and there below it all  was one solitary stick figure  a  human with a hard 
on that seemed to sum  up all of mans  creative  endeavors since he has been on 
the planet  .
My 7th grade biology teacher used to hold up a shell that was 5 million  
years old .
The shell was a mollusk of a spiral type of creature that contributed to  the 
making of much of Americas limestone .
Then he would hold up a mollusk of the same creature that was only a  million 
years old
He asked us to look close as to what the difference was as it might be a  
clue as to why we are here .
The students looked very closely as the shells were almost identical   in 
size shape and color 
but closer examination  showed that the newer spiral shell had its  face a 
little more farther away than its butt .
We were profoundly impressed . Py    

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