We've had our son on Paleo since he was born (he's 16 months old now).
Around 6 months, we went from solely breast feeding to spoon feeding him
pureed apples, carrots, pears, etc. Very easy to do, just steam until
somewhat soft, then blend in our Vitamix.  We'd make enough to freeze some
for about a week or two's use per batch.  We gradually began to give him cut
up versions of these same foods, plus started adding in others (like sliced
grapes, which he can't get enough of, oranges, peaches, beef, chicken, etc.
He's been a great eater.  Be creative ... I eat pretty strictly paleo and he
eats pretty much anything I do, though we've been holding off on nuts and
shellfish for now.

Hope this helps,

On 9/15/06, Camille <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hey all,
> My daughter just turned 5 months old yesterday. Time just flies by!
> I am still staying fairly paleo - no dairy or wheat, but I do eat oats
> or rice occaisionally.  I actually made it through the pollen-loaded
> Florida Summer without allergy pills... The first time in about 20
> years. I have lost all my baby weight already, yay!
> I don't know how much is my diet and how much is her natural
> temperment, but my daughter Sofia is a great baby. She's calm, alert,
> and active.  She hasn't had any problems with diaper rash. Almost no
> problems with 'colic'.
> She is going to start playing with table food soon. Any suggestions
> what to start her on? I plan on giving her bones the chew on when she
> starts teething, like a good cave baby.
> Camille
> --
> Support bacteria -- it's the only culture some people have!