I think David is correct in his assesment of the situation. I don't know 
what those things cast, but I have a couple lying around.  I live in 
Northern Sask, so I guess the questions is:"how badly do you need one".

Brian D. McCarthy

>From: David Gillett <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Personal Computer Hardware discussion List              
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: [PCBUILD] d-link modem problem: crackly phone line, bumped off 
>Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 07:40:04 -0700
>   I believe there are "line filters" to be used when phone and DSL service
>share a single line.  It sounds like these got removed and not replaced in
>the shuffle.  Do you have bits left over, or did your friend perhaps
>accidentally walk off with them?  I believe they're cheap to replace and
>easy to install.
>David Gillett
>On 21 Sep 2006 at 4:55, Julie-anne Pearce wrote:
>Date sent:      	Thu, 21 Sep 2006 04:55:43 -0400
>Send reply to:  	Personal Computer Hardware discussion List
>              	<[log in to unmask]>
>From:           	Julie-anne Pearce <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject:        	[PCBUILD] d-link modem problem: crackly phone line, bumped 
>off broadband
>To:             	[log in to unmask]
> > I have a problem with my modem I think.  I have a D-Link ADSL modem
> > and it was all going well but I unplugged things the other day when a
> > friend wanted to plug his laptop into my phone connection and things
> > have been no good ever since.  First the phone wouldn't work, then I
> > couldn't have the phone and broadband at the same time.  Now it seems
> > like I can have broadband on at the same time as the phone line is on,
> > but I have noticed that if someone calls or I call someone I am bumped
> > off the internet, and when the phone is used it starts off being
> > crackly when I am on broadband.  About the time the line clears (stops
> > being crackly) is about the time broadband stops going.
> >
> > Help - it is driving me batty.  It is very embarrassing when people call 
>me for work and I try and look at a website they are talking about and I 
>have been bumped off line.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Julie-anne Pearce
> >
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