Thank you Lord for watching over Rhonda and allowing her to have her classes and furthering her education.  Continue to watch over her.  Thank you Jesus.  In your precious name I pray Amen
Sorrow looks back, worry looks around, but faith looks up.
Karen Carter
Class of '74
-------------- Original message --------------
From: Rhonda Partain <[log in to unmask]>

Hi allhow are you all doing?

My classes have started, and now that I know where they all are, they changed the rooms the second day, I am okay.  I was once lost, but now am unlost!

Im taking Marriage And Family.  Most of the younger students dont see why people even marry now, they say living together is so much easier! One girl is five months pregnant and isnt getting married Just because of the ba by they want to be sure they can handle living together and having a baby too!

The world has gone crazy! And I am old fashioned!!!

And glad of it.

Glad to see you posting Pat.

How are you doing?  Ive been praying for you, wondered how you were.

Well, must go and read somethingmaybe even make dinner if theyre lucky!!

