Some of you might my friend Christian who had leukemia and had a bone marrow
transplant, here is the latest from her Mom.
TUESDAY, AUGUST 08, 2006 07:52 AM, CDT
table end

Day +168

"All of our days are numbered..." is taking on a new meaning for me! I
wonder sometimes if we truly believed this would we live a more calculated
Ps. 90:12 says, "Teach us to number our days carefully so that we may
develop wisdom in our hearts."

We are counting days until we get to day + 360 or thereabouts. The longer
Christian lives out her "positive" days with no problems the further we move
from the immediate threat of relapse.

I wonder if we all knew our "appointed" day and we started a "count-down" to
it, would it change the way in which we live? Would we better digest the
of scripture that says..." so that we may develop a heart of wisdom..." Take
a few minutes and meditate on that. What would you do differently?
it! Make that phone call, write that letter, hug that neck, wash his car,
speak to that whatever you need to do.

What is wisdom? A great teacher [my father-in-law] once said, "wisdom is
knowing what to do and when to do it." We all need wisdom, I don't think it
a gift that there is an overage of, no matter how much you have of it.

If we lived our days knowing that they were numbered, wouldn't we develop a
heart full of thanksgiving, a life filled with praise? We would realize that
the Lord strategically placed us exactly where we are, surrounded by the
people that are beside us for a crucial reason. No accidents, no mistakes,
fearfully and carefully planned. So, what are we going to do with this
knowledge? Live out our numbered days in wisdom and sweet surrender.

Each one of us is on a carefully cut-out foot path, designed and navigated
by the One who authored our biography.The people we meet along the way is
a grace that the Author allowed us as we walk along our path. All of the
paths that we cross have purpose and meaning. Knowing this, does it change
way we look at people along the way? Only by the grace of God are you
allowed to stand next to that particular person in the check-out line. Only
by the
grace of God did your child have that particular teacher. Only by the grace
of God did we end up in the family that we did. All of it is pre-planned. No
accidents, no mistakes, all crucial and well thought out. How will you use
this knowledge?

Oh Lord, that we would see Jesus, in all that we do and all that we are.
Help us to be mindful that we are Your workmanship. You designed us. You
have purpose
for our lives. Help us to willingly surrender to Your plan. O that we would
see Jesus!

The Lamb is worthy,


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