Dear Karen,

Please ask President Bush today NOT to succumb to pressure from the Arab League, the UN, the EU, and Iran demanding an unconditional cease-fire in Lebanon. Hezbollah and their backers, Iran and Syria, would see this as a defeat for the West, and especially for America and Israel.

This is the same terrorist organization responsible for the deaths of 241 Americans in 1983 when Hezbollah attacked the Marine barracks in Beirut. This is the same organization responsible for the kidnapping and murder of American diplomats.

Israel must be allowed time to root this terror cancer out of Lebanon. Many of Hezbollah’s rockets have been destroyed; however no measures have been set in place to halt Syria or Iran from renewing that supply. In order to thwart future surprise attacks against Israel by Hezbollah, a buffer zone must be set up in southern Lebanon.

Israel remains in imminent danger as long as the open weapons pipeline continues the flow of weapons into Lebanon and into Hezbollah’s hands. This cannot and will not be accomplished if the UN is in control of southern Lebanon.

Among the UN Security Council members refusing to place Hezbollah on the terror list are Russia and China. There are countries such as Germany that want Hezbollah’s approval to police them. This is ridiculous…approval from a terrorist organization to stop their terror activities?

In fact, Hezbollah's chief spokesman said in a live interview with Al-Jazerra television, "Declaring a cease-fire is not the concern of the people of Lebanon as long as there is one Israeli soldier on Lebanese soil - even one meter (into Lebanon). We will not accept any (Israeli) soldier staying on Lebanese territory, and it is the right of every Lebanese to fight until liberation."

While speaking to the Organization of Islamic State at an emergency summit in Malaysia, Iran's President Ahmadinejad called for an immediate cease-fire between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon, but also told the group, "Although the main solution is for the elimination of the Zionist regime, at this stage an immediate cease-fire must be implemented." It seems his aspirations to "wipe Israel off the map" have not changed.

And the track record of the UN international observers in Lebanon is less than stellar. They have yet to stop Hezbollah from lobbing one rocket across the border into Israel. Perhaps the label “observers” is best suited for this force. In fact, the reports filed by this group have resounded with opposition towards Israel.

It was this same group that watched October of 2000 while three Israeli soldiers were kidnapped by Hezbollah, forced into a car and driven into Lebanon. Nor has it prevented suicide bombers with backpacks stuffed with explosives, nails, ball bearings, and shrapnel from slipping across the border into Israel to target Israeli civilians. This is the group that the international community wants in southern Lebanon. The question begs to be asked: Why?

Jews are dying so Christians can live. If Israel loses this war, the next target for Hezbollah will be America.

Click here to ask President Bush NOT to be influenced by pressure from the Arab League, the UN, the EU and Iran...all calling for an unconditional cease-fire in Lebanon.

According to Israel’s Justice Minister Haim Ramon, (Iran) wants Israel to stop attacking Hezbollah so (Iran) can retain the ability to threaten Israel whenever (Iran) wants. In an interview on Israel radio, Minister Ramon said: "What Nasrallah (Iran) wants is for us to give in, for Iran to remain with the rocket threat - and whenever Iran feels like it, Iran will be able to attack Israel, and whenever Iran feels like it, Iran will fire rockets on a civilian population." What Nasrallah wants - and I certainly understand why Iran wants to attain this major accomplishment, from his perspective - it won't happen. We won't let it."

Your ambassador to Jerusalem,

Mike Evans

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