Interesting article indeed.  Seedou Bajinka, can you please shed light on 
the story.  If your folks are being tortured as we all know they are, why 
the silence?  Is your support for Yaya that strong to the point you will 
rather see them brutalized than come out in their defense?

"Reliable sources say that Youth and Sports Secretary Omar Faye is in 
Washington, DC with TiJaan Masanneh Ceesay a long time friend and diplomatic 
hand with the Gambian Embassy there. While our source did not elaborate on 
Faye's seemingly low keyed visit since becoming a Secretary two months ago, 
it speculates that he may be here on treatment. Even if he is here on an 
official visit, he is reportedly having a severe sore throat says the 

Two "Jaams" indeed.  While we like to pat our backs for being the nicest and 
most hospitable that can be found in Africa, Gambia also, per capita, has a 
lion share of "Jaams" of the lowest form in that continent.  These types are 
both on the ground and in a state near you and I.  Omar and TJ are by no 
means alone with this virulent disease, and the residence of this disease is 
not restricted to Atlanta or DC.  It is this disease that sustains Yaya more 
than anything.  Yaya will not last a day in that country if the Jaam disease 
is exterminated from our midst, today.  Brace yourself Gambians, for a 
friend, relative, or neighbor is about to be a host.

Word to the wise is, develop an eye to id this type from a mile before you 
become contaminated.  Yes folks, it is this same Omar that called himself 
plotting with some Senegalese to overthrow Yaya.  I knew better and advised 
the rumor mongers to keep an eye on Omar.  A couple of years ago, I was in 
Atlanta at a conference held at Goree Night Club.  Omar was there keeping a 
very very low profile and in the corners.  Omar managed to yank one of the 
presenters outside in the pretext that he had some valuable covert info.  
Only to whisper to this person to be careful, "there are some NIAs in 
attendance".  Folks, I was knocked out of my seat when I was told this came 
from a 6ft. 2in, 250lb soldier and speedmaster, not in Kung, Nuimi, but in 
Atlanta, Georgia.  I just shook my head, and ask the fellow to not irritate 
me any further with that slime.

Later that year, I got a call from another, that Omar and another were 
working with a Senegalese General, in Dakar, who will provide them manpower 
to take out Yaya.  I ask the fellow where Omar's so-called partner was, and 
he said the fellow was in Dakar.  The thing is, Omar indicated that they 
needed, get this, $1,000 for the General, what the Nigerians call "Nah For 
Chop Money".  I laughed so hard that I shed tears, not at the fellow, but at 
this swindle.  My exact words to the fellow was, to tell Omar to call me 
with such garbage.  That was the end of that story.  If you guessed that, 
that was a con from Omar and his partner that ran out of money to finance 
his "Jegg" in Dakar, you are very close to the ballpark.  It is that 
criminal mind that landed him in Gambia today.  Baba Jawara did a fine job 
on his boys for they perfected both "Sebooru" and "Njaamyaa".  They believe 
in nothing and will sell any for peanuts.  Does any here believe that Omar 
did not sacrifice and told lies about those he ran with in Atlanta and those 
he had nothing in common with, alike?  These con will tell Yaya anything to 
feed off his ego.

I know some will jump to caution that I may foil Omar's plans of working 
underground next to the Murderer, if he plans to do something.  There is 
nothing of that sort.  His disease will not lend him to that.  In his head, 
now is the time for him to get as much as he can before it dries up.  Omar 
has no allegiance to any but what he can get.  They saw their mentor, 
Jawara, living off the fat of the land, why not the "Talubehs".  I say these 
things to show some of our naive comrades their error in judgment to brush 
up with hyenas and very manipulating persons as we fight to uproot the 
personification of evil in Yaya.  There are many Omars out there and Yaya 
will never run out of supply.  So, do not be surprised when another Omar, 
Morro Sidi, or Amadou answers present to Yaya's roll call.

I got news for Omar.  Samba Faal never thought he would be left in the cold, 
and so it will come to pass that you will follow suit, soon.  You see what 
happened to Ndure Cham, Bajinka and others, so it is just a matter of time 
for you.  Just remember, civilian ministers are fired but soldiers or former 
soldiers are hunted and cut down.  I hope you will be lucky like Ndure or 
Bajinka when your number is up.  In the mean time, let the beer and "Yaapu 
Harr" at kanilai keep flowing.

How can a nation be led by meat roasting, beer, ataya, and Jaamba freaks?  
How?  Sadly, some of our folks will trample over their Grandma to be first 
in line.

Please read on.

Gambia: The Nemesis of Bajinka's Escape

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The Gambia Echo (Raleigh)

August 8, 2006
Posted to the web August 8, 2006

Ebrima G. Sankareh
Marina Parade

No sooner had Major Khalifa Bajinka fled The Gambia than the regime of 
President Yahya Jammeh dispatched a team of armed security operatives to 
unleash havoc on his innocent family. That was barely two weeks ago but now 
we have credible reports from the National Intelligence Agency (NIA) that 
one of the Bajinka brothers,

Ensa Bajinka a Drug Squad Agent by profession and an uncle Bunama Manga have 
been tortured to unconsciousness and the latter is at the Royal Victoria 
Teaching Hospital in Banjul, 25 meters from his torture cell.

According to an NIA insider, the State believes that Ensa is complicit in 
his renegade brother's flight to freedom. He was picked up along side his 
two other siblings Wuyeh Bajinka a security officer at The Gambia Civil 
Aviation Authority and, Yahya Bajinka who by a twist of irony, is an NIA 
agent and their uncle, Bunama Manga a chauffeur who plies The 
Gambia-Cassamance (southern Senegal) route. Manga is reportedly quite aufait 
with major commercial centers in the region in particular, the towns of 
Bidiona and Diololon. It is the NIA's view that while Bajinka may have 
trekked the woods and melted into the wilderness, Bunama's familiarity with 
the territory may have been an asset to his nephew's Rambo-like adventure. 
This twist adds to the list of arrestees a car battery salesman, one Bunja 
Sambou also of Brikama New Town whose only crime is that he reportedly sold 
a car battery to Bunama. According to the NIA, by selling a car battery to 
Bunama, Sambou may have advertently fa cilitated Khalifa's flight.

Also arrested was Mrs. Fatou Dibba Bajinka the run-away Major's wife and an 
employee of The Gambia International Airport. Fatou, who was with Bajinka 
until his encounter with the killer marksmen reported here,

stays with the kids, a boy and two girls life for whom has been rough. 
Contrary to reports and wild speculations on the woman's fate, she was under 
house arrest for the first two days after her husband's arrest.

"Our men were armed to the teeth and even if Ms. Dibba went to the bathroom, 
they would follow her at gun point asking for Major Bajinka's exact location 
in town " our NIA source revealed. However, "because of her failure to 
cooperate with our men, she was subsequently transferred to our Marina 
Parade offices for further interrogations" the source said but would not 
elaborate on what regime of interrogations were prescribed. As a graduate of 
the NIA's system one can only surmise torture. The last person arrested in 
the wake of Khalifa Bajinka's arrest was his father in law for questioning. 
As we went to press, the entire family is shocked and saddened at Bunama's 
predicament. Bunama in his late 50s is bigamous with several children and 

However, according to our source, Major Bajinka's wife, Fatou Dibba, two of 
the three brothers, Wuyeh Bajinka and Yahya Bajinka, salesman Bunja Sambou 
and the father-in- law have been granted bail and now report to NIA every 
morning. One brother Ensa and uncle, Bunama are in the midst of the storm.

Meanwhile, The Echo has been working the phones to see what evidence there 
were linking Bajinka with the alleged coup and related developments to his 
escape. According to an insider at Baboucarr Jatta's office

(Jatta is Ex-army chief and now Secretary of Interior) the alleged 
mastermind of the coup, fugitive col. Ndure Cham did not see an eye to eye 
with Bajinka. Cham says our source, "hated the chap so much that he once 
threatened to teach him a bitter lesson". According to Jatta's office, 
"Bajinka and Cham were not talking for over a year and this is why it's not 
easy to see the alleged link". In a related development, a source among the 
State Guards revealed that the "government had wanted to do away with Major 
Bajinka way before he went to read in Nigeria. Ndure Cham's coup is just a 
scapegoat but HE and Bajinka fell apart a while ago". According to this 
source, Jammeh could be joking for a moment and be highly temperamental the 
next minute with a tendency to snob his most loyal lieutenants. Reveals this 
source "one day while we were brewing Chinese Green Tea, our temperamental 
HE got wild and broke all our glasses with a hammer. He later returned and 
gave us money to buy lamb" .

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News Just In:

Reliable sources say that Youth and Sports Secretary Omar Faye is in 
Washington, DC with TiJaan Masanneh Ceesay a long time friend and diplomatic 
hand with the Gambian Embassy there. While our source did not elaborate on 
Faye's seemingly low keyed visit since becoming a Secretary two months ago, 
it speculates that he may be here on treatment. Even if he is here on an 
official visit, he is reportedly having a severe sore throat says the 
source. Faye who is bigamous was an asylee in the US for the past decade. He 
returned home late last year and was first appointed Director of Press&

Public Relations at Gambia's Presidential Palace before the meteoric rise to 
Youth, Sports & Culture Secretary. For now though many are wondering why he 
did not go to Atlanta to see his family. Others are speculating that since 
Faye has been in Washington for ten days now and no where has both the 
Gambian Radio and TV or the Daily Observer reported it, something is in the 

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