----- Original Message -----
> > Date:    Tue, 8 Aug 2006 20:57:27 -0500
> > From:    Mike Howard <[log in to unmask]>
> > Subject: Infant on Paleo Diet
> >
> >  Does anyone know of any
> > research/info on what would be expected of a Paleo baby?
> *** I don't have much experience with baby paleo humans, but I do . Be
> assured, though, that they do reach "normal" adult size and weight, with
> none of the joint and hip problems and growing pains that plague large
> kibble-fed pups. I say "normal" because I think my pups (and rabbits,
> are normal > --Carrie

If I might jump in here; children fed the standard fair today are reaching
puberty at alarming rates.  An eight year old in Germany had a baby and the
"father" is a ten year old boy.  Girls are starting menses way too early and
boys at the age of ten should still be playing with their toys and not eight
year old girls.  It is probably owing to the growth hormones given the
animals and the xeno-estrogen in the produce from the pesticides.  My
advice, FWIW, is to keep your baby on paleo and don't worry about it.

"Xeno-estrogens can fake the body out and bind to our cells just as natural
estrogen does, causing "estrogen dominance." Many xeno-estrogens are proven