You got it right, prince. I have never heard of your article but this 
present one is full of sense for people are clever or are ready to accept 
the truth.

You see what disturb many third world countries including the Gambia is, 
denying the truth .
Amat and ousainou should not have left the coalision but if they did, then 
lets ask our self why they  do and what actually happens. So long  that 
people are denied truth and justice, choas, confusion and lack of trust will 
be the order of the day and this is basically whats is happening in the 
gambian oppositon. Ousainou and hamat pulled about 40% of the total votes in 
the last presidential election. Now how on earth is ousainou or Bah not been 
selected to lead the coalision . I think this is where the first mistake 
arose from, and I think the current NADD executive should have the courage 
to accept that mistake and appologise  to darboe and bah and even give them 
the chance for one of them to lead the coalision, by that the mistake would 
have been rightly corrected . Untill then our aim to see unified opposition 
that will have the potential to unseat the wise dictator who bent on 
confusing many gambians will not be achievable.

Let me be frank many people in Gambia still believe jammeh is a good 
president even though it is apparent that he lacks credibility . Therefore 
the need for unify oppositon is pramount.

My respectable honourable (halifa) for the sake of tens of thousands of poor 
gambia and thousands of gambians in diaspora who wanna see their country not 
left behind in area of good governance ,democtracy and justice for all . 
Please return to the negotiation table with darboe and co so the matter can 
be solved amicably before its too late. I understand this process is going 
on well if it is so. may I ask for it to be speed up am afraid we haven't 
got much time.

I may be thousands of miles away but my heart and soul is with my country 
and am ready to do my part in the struggle for our second indepence at any 
time and what ever it may cost me.

The intend of the letter is not to undermine any authority of neither NADD 
or UDP/NRP , instead things will be better if we are united in our common 
endeavour. As a saying goes ''united we are strong and devided we fall''.

I salute you all. May the most mercifull help us realise our dream, and may 
peace continue to reign in gambia and any ohter part of the world .

>From: Prince Obrien-Coker <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list              
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>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Ousainou Darboe & Amat Bah
>Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2006 21:50:43 +0200
>Brothers and Sisters,
>It is a common habit of the Gambian to be totally blinkered by subjectivity
>or some other factors that are alien to reality or common sense.  Many
>things have been written and said on these forums about Ousainou Darboe and
>Amat Bah which totally ignores what the Gambian voters think of them. The
>last time the Gambian people spoke, Ousainou Darboe and Hamat Bah together
>polled about 40% of the votes. I think it's about time that we saw the 
>and say it.  If, in the Gambia, anybody could unseat Jammeh, then it is
>Ousainou Darboe in alliance with Amat Bah, or that bloody alternative which
>no Gambian wants.
>Halifa Sallah is an excellent, erudite, intelligent and capable 
>candidate, but let's ask ourselves whether he is really ELECTABLE.  Before
>answering, let us remind ourselves that Sidia polled only a little under 3%
>of the total votes during the last Presidential Elections. If Halifa could
>have done better than Sidia, why wasn't he put up for the presidency?
>When I read people calling Ousainou Darboe a "tribalist",  I have to admit
>that these people do not really know who Ousainou Darboe is. It is also
>these very people who are having a go at Amat Bah. But tell me folks, how 
>heaven's name can a Mandinga "tribalist" align himself with a Saloum-Saloum
>or a Fana-Fana Fula?  It just doesn't make sense.
>Tribalism has been Gambians' anathema and it is frequently used to accuse
>people we oppose, but let's be honest with ourselves, tribalism in Gambian
>politics was rife from the day PPP was founded. In fact PPP was formed
>purely on tribal bases and many tribal trivialities were the order of day 
>the 70's and 80's. The Gambia is in this position today, simply because of
>tribalism. So let's stop playing "ostrich" politics with this issue.
>Amat Bah, whether you like him or not , is the leader of the third largest
>party in the Gambia. Amat Bah alone, polled more than twice the votes
>garnered by Sidia Jatta and S.M. Dibba in the last presidential election.
>The belittling of Amat on these forums is nothing other than an affront on
>the integrity of Gambian voters. Ousainou Darboe and Amat Bah are Gambia's
>salvation to redeem us from the demonic grip we are in.
>One thing that strikes me more about the comments against Amat Bah, is that
>it is been done by the very people who  proclaimed victory for NADD when
>Amat lost his seat at the last by-elections. I believe that pragmatism
>should be our approach if we want to get rid of Yahya Jammeh.
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