In a message dated 7/25/2006 10:12:48 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [log in to unmask] writes:
I am STILL rounding up old screwdrivers, have lost count long ago.  Every
time I find one hubby says, "Now what are you going to do with THAT?"  Why
save it for Ralph of course.  Ruth

At 11:13 PM -0400 7/23/06, T. Gale wrote:

>Where is the Barton/Walters collection of drivers these days?  Maybe
>their examination will reveal more information.
>Your turn,
I'm so goddam dim I didn't realize this was a reference to the Ruth and Ralph Collection until Ruth answered it.  I thought the B/W collection was something real.
Will be coming up to the Ruth Woods to pick up youngest son Michael at Lake Fairlee on the weekend of Aug 18-19 or thereabouts.  Assuming I haven't been locked up, that is.
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