From the BBC website today:

TV show sets Kalahari challenge
A new BBC Three reality programme will find out if eight contestants can live among the San 
Bushmen of the Kalahari desert in a remote area of Namibia.
The show - which has the working title Man's First Diet - will be made by Cheetah Television, the 
factual arm of Big Brother producer Endemol UK.

Four men and women will have to live as their African counterparts do - hunting, foraging and 
digging for food.

BBC specialist factual commissioning editor Emma Swain described the programme as an "original 
and entertaining angle on diet". "Our Stone Age ancestors lived on the hunter-gatherer diet, or 
Palaeolithic diet - the only one that fits ideally into our genetic make-up."

Experts will closely monitor how the participants adapt to their new lifestyle and environment.

The Kalahari stretches into South Africa, Botswana and Namibia and is home to millions of people.

Last year the Botswanan government denied reports that bushmen living in its part of the Kalahari 
had been forcibly removed from their ancestral land.

An Endemol spokesman said the programme would not ignore the fact that theirs was a dying way 
of life, but that it would not be its primary focus.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2006/06/02 10:20:42 GMT
