I think that is cool Phil.
Can you imagine what a scarcity of news there would be If everybody obeyed
> the Ten Commandments?

I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is

Karen Carter '74
-KC- Ministries
-------------- Original message --------------
From: Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>

> I have been doing some google searches today on goose bumps, which is often
> now spelled as one word, but I was wondering about it. Why? Well, I know
> it can occur due to fear one might suddenly experience and that fear can
> come in many types. Of course, everybody has probably experienced goose
> bumps when listening to music you really like. Try, however, generating the
> goose bump feeling and physical response by just thinking about doing it. I
> don't think it is possible or at least I have never heard of anybody saying
> they could make it happen just by thought alone. Anyhow, I was sitting at
> my computer a few minutes ago and thinking about the greatness and power of
> God. I can't remember why I was thinking th at way but something came to
> mind, I stopped what I was doing, and just sat and thought about God for a
> few seconds. I bet it wasn't even more than 10 seconds. I smiled when, in
> my thoughts, I realized, based upon whatever it was I was thinking about,
> how big God was. Suddenly, I began tingling all over just like I have when
> listening to music that I thought was really cool for some reason. I have
> tried capturing these goose bump moments, forcing my mind to immediately
> focus on what was happening to me at the moment, and I have noticed that I
> am at a level of sudden keen awareness of emotions. Not my emotions but the
> person doing the music, for example, and that it is almost as if I can feel
> their emotional input to the music. Wow. I can't believe this but it just
> happened again as I talked about it. sometimes it occurs when we suddenly
> are chilled and my air conditioner is r unning but I am not cold. Have you
> ever consider the emotions of the Creator? I mean, the one who gave us
> emotions in the first place. What do you bet that the emotions we have are
> very similar to the feelings of God. Say, there is a title for a good
> theological book. The Feelings of God. Interesting. Or I suppose it could
> be called the Goose Bumper. Publishers are using all types of weird titles
> now I have noticed. So, have you had goose bumps, or goose flesh, or goose
> pimples when praying or thinking about God? By the way, the sensation I
> just experience while typing this and was trying to describe what I was
> thinking about God? The goose bumps started at my head, flashed down my
> arms and clear down my legs. Normally it just occurs on my arms.
> Apparently the term comes from what a plucked goose, or perhaps chicken,
> skin looks like, or feels like to the touch. This reminds m e of an old
> joke. Do you know what you get when you cross a chicken with a banjo? A
> bird that can pluck itself. I told my dentist that one day when he was
> getting ready to drill on me. He busted out laughing and so did his
> assistant standing on the other side of me. He said, Phil, I'm not for sure
> what that means. I told him I didn't know what it meant either but I heard
> it on a children's program on TV one day that my kids were watching so the
> joke had to be ok.
> Phil.
> Has He Ever Crossed Your Mind?
> www.SafePlaceFellowship.com