I perceive it the same. However, it is a bit unnerving. The introduction 
of the chip, or use of it I should say on a wide scale is not far off. Our 
former governor, and bush's former Secretary of Health and   Human 
Services Tommy Thompson proudly wears a chip in his finger for the keeping 
of medical info and will no doubt be a promoter of it. I've heard  a 
number of years ago that 100 of Mexico's top government folks have them 
implanted in their finger as well. It is just a matter of time before they 
offer it to everyone, then it will become somehow an incentive to get it, 
then it will be difficult to not have it, then it will be mandatory. I 
believe somewhere in there Christ will return. You know when you look at 
it, it really could be very close at hand. Especially when you look at the 
world's governments, economics, and how fast  everything moves today.


on 12:51 AM 5/16/2006, Phil Scovell said:


I agree.  The mark of the beast not only comes later but is received by
those apparently deceived by his power.  It doesn't appear to me, anyhow,
that we will be here at that time.
