Father in Heaven we ask you to touch Phil and Sandy's finances you own a thousand cattle on a hill.  We ask that you undertake in the situation with Gretchen  We thank you for you are going to do and are doing right now.  In your precious name we pray Amen
Can you imagine what a scarcity of news there would be If everybody obeyed
> the Ten Commandments?

I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is

Karen Carter '74
-KC- Ministries
-------------- Original message --------------
From: Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>

> Sandy and I are once again considering making Gretchen move out. Her lying,
> along with her life style, is becoming a problem again. She has had three
> bad drug tests so they have put her back into a drug rehab program which are
> just classes she has to attend each week. Plus she has to pay for the
> classes. Recently, Sandy and I were going to go out to eat with John and
> Vicki. My youngest son had given us a 40 dollar gift certificate so we all
> were going to go to a particular restaurant. I knew exactly were the gift
> card was but when we found it, the little plastic credit card was gone from
> the gift card. I took everything out of the drawer and my grandson even
> helped. It was not in the drawer. My son, when h e gave it to me, saw me
> put it into that drawer, too, so it appears it was taken. These sorts of
> things happen all the time when Gretchen is around. The problem of asking
> Gretchen to move is that we will lose her 500 dollars a month rent. I had a
> talk with Gretchen a week ago but it hasn't changed anything. So, I am
> going to talk to her again this weekend but I am not looking forward to it.
> Gretchen is also living, off and on, with a non Christian guy she used to do
> drugs with but she claims he is clean now. Sure and a chicken has lips,
> too, as my mother in law used to say. Since we still have legal
> guardianship of our 10 year old grandson, Gretchen's oldest boy, I refuse to
> allow him to go to this guys apartment. Gretchen was told this. Thursday
> night, she told me she was taking the boys to a nearby park. Two hours
> later, we found out Gretchen was at her boyfriend's apartmen t with her two
> boys and we made her bring Everett home. I talked to her yesterday about it
> and she lied and said I never told her she couldn't take him to Mike's. I
> am totally wore out from her lies. She claims she has now been clean for 5
> to 6 weeks. That's great, if it is true, and it might be because they test
> her at the drug classes each week. Regardless, I am beginning to wonder if
> some of our financial problems aren't literally because darkness is trying
> to live in my house of light. So your prayers that we do what's right about
> all this will be appreciated.
> Phil.
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