    I am using 58 feet of wire as a quarter wave on 75 meters and would like 
to know how to make a compact counter poise to balance the ground side.  I 
have maybe 6 feet to comfortably install such a thing.
    Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
                    Mark WZ0K
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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Louis Kim Kline" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2006 7:16 PM
Subject: Re: autotuners

> Hi Andy.
> With counterpoises cut for each of the bands and fastened to the ground
> side of that antenna system, 70 ft. of wire should be enough to get you on
> the HF bands above 3.5 MHz. (including 3.5 MHz).  The whole trick is
> getting the counterpoises right--it shouldn't be that demanding on the 
> tuner.
> 73, de Lou K2LKK
> At 02:17 AM 6/1/2006 +0100, you wrote:
>>Hello Gary Ok this could take  two emails to do this,  Here is a 
>>of the garden it is 35FT long  and 17.6 FT wide,  so you can see not much
>>chance of a good size antenna.  however try and picture this,  starting 
>>the bottom of the garden left hand side starts the wire going across the
>>garden to the right hand side,  now from here it goes diagonally  to the
>>back wall of the house where it will terminate,  the SGC is at the bottom 
>>the garden where the wire starts,  the total length is seventy feet.  I am
>>however going to get a vertical   antenna made by Diamond the CP 6.
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Gary Lee" <[log in to unmask]>
>>To: <[log in to unmask]>
>>Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2006 12:44 AM
>>Subject: autotuners
>> > For Andy.
>> >
>> > Andy, I don't know what random length of wire you are trying to tune, 
>> > and
>> > for what frequency, but I have had extremely good luck with the atu in 
>> > my
>> > elecraft k2, as well as the ldg z-100, and the atu in the kenwood 
>> > ts2000.
>> > I have a 90 foot wire configured as a half sloper, tying the shield of 
>> > the
>> > coax to a 32 foot steel tower which is then grounded to an 8 foot 
>> > ground
>> > rod.
>> >
>> > Tunes well on all bands except 30 meters.  For that, I use a manual 
>> > tuner
>> > behind the autotuner to give it just a little help.
>> >
>> > I have also used a 44 foot doublet fed with 300 ohm twinlead and a 4-1
>> > balun with good results.
>> >
>> > Please give a little more info about your antenna and requirements.
>> > It seems strange that you can't find an atu for your needs.
>> >
>> > 73 and I'll try to help.
>> >
>> >
>> > __________ NOD32 1.1570 (20060531) Information __________
>> >
>> > This message was checked by NOD32 antivirus system.
>> > http://www.eset.com
>> >
>> >
> Louis Kim Kline
> A.R.S. K2LKK
> Home e-mail:  [log in to unmask]
> Work e-mail:  [log in to unmask]
> Work Telephone:  (585) 697-5753