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TOm wrote:
   >I don't have a P2000.  All I have is the straight talking SWR meter
   >from Remy Simard.  It does give me an SWR reading, and I can make
   >it read approximate output power as well.
   >I am hoping that, between the meter, and adjusting the antenna
   >itself with the screw-driver control, I'll be able to work out a
   >tuning system.
   >If not, I may have to look for a P2000, or maybe one of those new
   >LDG watt meters, although I won't have the bucks for one for a
IF it gives you some kind of indication such as the p2000 or
the old audio gimmicks you're in business.  IF not though
you might look for a used p2000.  I've seen a couple in the
sale or treade postings on this list over the last year.

Had one donated by one of my colleagues on the maritime
mobile service net as well as a speech board for the KEnwood
440 I picked up, but I"m holding onto it for dear life as I
really like it and can't really afford one of the new
talking jobs.

73 de nf5b

Richard Webb,
Electric Spider Productions,
Eads Tn.