HI folks,

I for one am all for the limitations.  NOthing annoys like
downloading a bunch of messages where everybody top posts
and doesn't bother to trim the excess from the bottom,
including software brag lines etc.  wHy download that stuff
two and three times?  ESpecially for those of us on dial up.
NOpe, I don't deal with the cable companies and dsl out here
in the sticks isn't really practical.
Even once I've got another linux box online I'll still be on
dial-up chances are as long as we live here.
tHe limitations at least force folks to trim all the
extraneous garbage from their posts.

Btw folks, have tried hitting Ski.org for the whole smith
Kettelwell technical file but for some reason either their
ftp site is broken or my ftp client appears noncompliant
with their site.
sOmebody on this list sent out the whole archive as a zip
archive attachment to a bunch of us on request a few years
ago, but that computer took a lightning hit during tropical
storm Lily some years back.

73 de nf5b

Richard Webb,
Electric Spider Productions,
Eads Tn.