If you look at their web site, it appears to me that they are concentrating 
their efforts toward other markets, especially en lite of the fact that the 
ham radio market appears to be in decline, this would make sense.

Fred Olver

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Richard Fiorello" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2006 1:38 PM
Subject: high end radios

> Hi;
> Can't help but wonder if Kenwood has decided either to not spend the money
> to develop a ft1000 type radio or just maybe there is more cash to be made
> selling mid priced radios.  I don't have any specific numbers but I have 
> to
> believe that because of the price if nothing else kenwood is selling a 
> much
> greater number of rigs than yaesu or tentec.  I still have a problem with 
> a
> company such as tentec not trying to make their rigs user friendly.  You
> sometimes get the idea that they are trying to drum up business wherever
> possible yet they happily leave out a small group of customers.  I believe
> tentec was the first company with speech read-out although we won't talk
> about how big the box was.
> Rich