Sunday I return to New Orleans after a long overdue 12 day break.  First two days were in Chicago.  I was shocked by its cleanliness; by the general good condition of buildings and the construction of new buildings.  Upon reaching home, Minneapolis looked so tidy, square, orderly and safe.  Perhaps even boring.  But I sure do have a new appreciation for boring. 

Mary, I look forward to the next chance to swap war stories with you.


On Apr 13, 2006, at 10:03 PM, [log in to unmask] wrote:

Next week, I return home to NJ. Spring is well underway there with flowers, and birds, and green grass. My house is as I left it - safe, secure, and filled with our family photos, well loved furniture, and a garden to dig in. I will never take it for granted again after these last few months in Louisiana.

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