In a message dated 4/6/2006 10:01:25 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [log in to unmask] writes:
][<en wrote:

>I then read it and got myself in an instant quandry because I found it to
>be the most amazing academic obfuscation of horseshit that I had ever read.

As a former student of Byard's, I must agree - his talks are much more
enlightening than the book, which is really just an ossuary for his
lectures. Glad to have taken his class, but now I'll chuckle every time I
see his book on my shelf...

bamh. (once again attempting to fight my way out of lurkerdom)
This is sorta the opposite of Fitch in his dotage, whose lectures tended to wander and repeat, but whose books were clear.  At least that's the way I remember it in MY dotage.
And speaking of dotage, do any of the geezers out there know anything about hearing aids? (and no, I don't mean the new kind of AIDS you get from listening to too many assholes.)  I've been told I need 'em in both ears.    I'd rather have a goddam ear trumpet like my good friend Mr. Muckle.
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