Father in Heaven please be with Vicki and the doctors so that they can determin and take care of what is going on.  We thank you for your perfect healing right now.  Be with her family also.  In your precious name we pray Amen

Can you imagine what a scarcity of news there would be If everybody obeyed
> the Ten Commandments?

I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is

Karen Carter  '74
-KC- Ministries

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Sandy Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
> I just wanted to let everyone know that John took Vicki to the emergency
> room today again.  She is quite ill.  They are doing tests on her as I am
> typing this email.  Her own doctor wonders if it isn't pancreatitis.  Philip
> is now up at the hospital to be with John.  Please pray and will keep
> everyone updated as I find out more information.
> Sandy