On Mar 05, 2006, at 2:59 am, Susan Carmack wrote:

> I forgot that he eats potatoes too so he looks like everyone else  
> ordering fries in the cafeteria. He takes water to school only.

Sounds a little less paleo than I thought at first ;)  Still I  
suppose if he's not eating wheat and milk he's removed the two  
biggest causes of illness.

> He likes rice cakes (rice and egg), rice as a side dish sometimes  
> and I make rice breads (so he is less paleoish than I am).. I tried  
> making pure nut bread but nobody was very enthused about it.

Has he ever tried pure paleo?  Not necessarily low-carb, just starch  
free?  It might be interesting to see if his fitness goes up another  
notch on that.
