Wow...sorry I offended so many of you on this list!  I would never with his 
disability before him, he is NOT a cerebral palsied child..yuck.  You're 
right, on parents list we state the disablity to share infomation.  The fact 
that my son has survied a miracle gives other parents who may have a child 
whom has nearly drowned..hope.

Hand sugery; I think thumbs and wrist flexor lengthening.  Cody uses his 
feet for everything, if he could even use one finger he would be elated.  I 
don't know of anyone who has had the surgery.

Pump; We went through withdrawals as the cath came out.  Head itching, head 
aches, increased spasticty.  We still put it back in as his shoulders are 
dislocating daily from spasticity. I would go to the guy in Colorado, it is 
not an easy surgery.

Sorry I offended anyone....

Lynette, Cody's mom

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