If you had to pick your last meal, what would it be?  We did this on another 
list I'm on and had loads of fun with it.  Here is my response:

Fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, biscuits, tossed salad with
ranch dressing, dark chocolate brownies or dark chocolate cake, and diet
coke.  LOL, and later I'd have popcorn.  But most of all, I'd bless the mess
and thank God I had one more chance to eat here before sitting at the
Marriage Supper of the Lamb.  LOL, and I'd hope David would be ther with me
to eat it cuz he enjoys my cooking.  Oh, that's right.  Maybe I wouldn't be
cooking it.  LOL LOL LOL.

Now if it were breakfast time: pancakes or cornb4read with real maple syrup,
lots of butter, and milk!  A cold glass of milk!  LOL, and sausage or bacon.
Maybe both cuz I'm a pig.  Oink oink!


All Powerful Redemption In Love John 3:16