Father in Heaven please have mercy and allow the bone marrow to attach and take effect immediately and please take away the pain.  In Jesus name we pray Amen

I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is

Karen Carter  '74
-KC- Ministries

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Rhonda Partain <[log in to unmask]>
> Here is a message I got about Christian today! How awfully hard it must be
> watching someone you love in such grait pain, 
> It has been a day!
> The side effects from all the radiation and chemo are reaching a peak.
> Constant nausea, vomitting and the sores that are covering the inside of her
> mouth
> down into her stomach. They have increased her morphine and the anti-nausea
> meds. Her blood pressure is back up,probably because the pain is
> intensifying.
> She threw up blood a while ago. Now they have ordered platelets. I am told
> that days like this will continue.
> Helplessness is the word that probably sums up what I'm feeling. This is one
> of the days that I have to draw on what's already been "deposited in the
> bank",
> so to speak.
> As I sit, I remember a prayer that Kathryn Kuhlman prayed,
> "Not some of Thee, and some me,
> But all of Thee and none of me."
> Lord, that I may decrease...all of me, my worries, concerns, and feelings of
> helplessness.
> So that You may increase...all that You are.
> "You are the God who performs miracles: You display Your power among the
> peoples." Psalm 77:14 (LT)
> Strangely enough as I sat to write this, my eyes just fell on a book that
> was given to me. Right in the middle of the page in huge, bold-black, 1"
> letters,
> reads:
> As you pick the book up, in 1/4" gray letters, just above the bold-black
> ones, reads:
> I am with you
> I understand marketing. But the way the book design looks is ironic. When we
> as christians face trials and tribulations or in my words are having a day,
> doesn't our life sometimes look that way? Our "issue" way big and the great
> "I AM" fades to small gray.
> So today/tonight I sit and pray....
> "Not some of Thee, and some of me;
> But all of Thee, and none of me!"
> Arise great I AM. Arise in Christian. Arise in me.
> Your prayers are so appreciated!
> Rhonda