Conteh, this is the reason why Gambia is where it is today, precisely 
because we scat around issues.  Conteh, you just read that Ousainou and 
Hamat left NADD, do you have an opinion on that?  Do you see any 
contridiction in Ousainou leaving NADD and Yaya Jallow "staying" with NADD?  
Did you support NADD because of Ousainou or did you believe in NADD?  Please 
do not reduce this greedy behavior of Ousainou and Hamat to a burden on 
myself or NADD.  I think you know and see the culprit here, but for reasons 
best known to you, you want to look the other way.

"What will you do if Sidia, Halifa, Sam Sarr and other objective Gambians 
join UDP/NRP coalition?
I predict this will eventually happen."

Conteh, if I had known you to tilt the bottle, I had tell you to quit what 
ever brand you're on, for it is messing you up.  To your list above, please 
add OJ and Waa.  Conteh, these folks you listed are the definition of being 
principled and they have demonstrated it through out the years.  When the 
rest of the PPP fled or joined Yaya, OJ was standing up and speaking his 
mind, abuse and all.  How many times did Waa go in and out of prison and 
abused?  Conteh, your above quote really sums your position regarding this 
issue and I have seen some of you that used to jump about NADD to for what 
ever reason, align with Ousainou.  I wonder what is the common denominator 
here.  To you and some that are silent that were supposed to support NADD, 
your allegiance it seems to me is to Ousainou.  Not to be a revisionist 
here, but you recalled in 2001 when Sheriff Dibba left the UDP/PPP Coalition 
because of power grab, and you pack up with Sheriff and joined the APRC - 
your "Olive Branch Sermon"?  Is this not deja vous all over again?  Just 
like your allegiance was to Sheriff, it seems to me that you are doing the 
same here with Dorboe.  Think Gambia my brother, that is what is going to 
liberate us, not individual or sub interests.
" Do you want to be perceived as an individual who is unwilling to 

Conteh, for God sake speak the truth as you see it.  Since when am I the 
issue is this scam?  I am not those that will call for one Gambia in public 
and be a supremacist behind closed doors.  We have gone this rout many times 
before and each time, time vindicates me.  Please, folks see through what 
you are attempting to do here, just so you know.  The truth shall always set 
us free.

Chi Jaama


>From: Jassey Conteh <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Jassey Conteh <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Gambia's Opposition Predicts Victory In Upcoming Presidential 
>Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2006 08:16:41 -0500
>Mr. Sambou:
>Again your assertion has to be taken at face value.  Hon. Kemeseng Jammeh 
>cannot quit NADD.
>If he does, the legislature will call for by-elections.  Also, by 
>associating with NADD does not
>automatically equate to agreeing with everything the party stands for.  
>NADD has yet to put up
>a candidate.
>What will you do if Sidia, Halifa, Sam Sarr and other objective Gambians 
>join UDP/NRP coalition?
>I predict this will eventually happen.  It is about time OJ accepts the 
>wish of the Gambian
>people.  I have known OJ since 1977.  But I refuse to join his train when 
>fraud took place
>during his nomination.  You know fraud has no materiality threshold.  
>Though truth hurts,
>it has to be said.
>I appeal that we come together for the good of the country.  It is 
>fruitless for you to
>continue on with your constant condemnation of UDP.  Do you want to be 
>perceived as an
>individual who is unwilling to compromise.  At the end of the day, our 
>objective is for a
>democratic Gambia.  Dictator Jammeh is only replaceable if we can come 
>together as one.
>Divisive and tribal politics will only make Jammeh stronger.
>Please let us not waste valuable time.  Our concentration should be a 
>yahya-less Gambia.
>May Allah have mercy on us all.
>Comrade Jassey-Conteh
>-----Original Message-----
> >From: Joe Sambou <[log in to unmask]>
> >Sent: Feb 13, 2006 7:36 PM
> >To: [log in to unmask]
> >Subject: Re: Gambia's Opposition Predicts Victory In Upcoming 
>Presidential Elections
> >
> >One can read that Bah is even struggling to support Ousainou's 
> >against NADD.  The million dollar question then is Why is Yaya Jallow of 
> >UDP still with NADD?  Why is Kemeseng of the UDP still with NADD?  Folks,
> >there is a lot of real estate to cover on this saga, just hold tight.
> >
> >Chi Jaama
> >
> >Joe
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >>From: Jean lamin Marenah <[log in to unmask]>
> >>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
> >><[log in to unmask]>
> >>To: [log in to unmask]
> >>Subject: Gambia's Opposition Predicts Victory In Upcoming Presidential
> >>Elections
> >>Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2006 19:09:07 -0500
> >>
> >>Culled from VOA;
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>Gambia's Opposition Predicts Victory In Upcoming Presidential Elections
> >>
> >>By James Butty
> >>Washington, DC
> >>13 February 2006
> >>
> >>"
> >>on_Eng2Afr_13Feb06.mp3"listen to the interview with Hamat Bah audio clip
> >>For years, Gambians longed for a strong and united opposition that would
> >>challenge President Yahya Jammeh.  Last year, five opposition parties 
> >>together to create the National Alliance for Democracy and Development.
> >>But
> >>with presidential elections scheduled for October this year, one of the 
> >>members of the alliance has resigned. Osainou Darboe, whose United
> >>Democratic Party holds the majority, says he was resigning due to lack 
> >>trust among its members.
> >>Hamat Bah is leader of the National Reconciliation Party and a member of
> >>the
> >>opposition alliance.  English to Africa reporter James Butty asked him 
> >>there is a problem of distrust among members of the alliance.  
> >>that&#65533;s
> >>Mr. Darboe&#65533;s perception. That&#65533;s his belief. I can believe 
>certainly to an
> >>extent what Ousainou Darboe is saying. May be he has every reason to
> >>believe
> >>that some members don&#65533;t trust him in the coalition.&#65533;
> >>Bah says the National Alliance for Democracy and Development has been
> >>having
> >>power struggle problems.  &#65533;Yes, as it happens in every coalition, 
> >>have
> >>been some problems in selecting a coalition leader. But we have not
> >>completely exhausted completely the process through which we set 
> >>in the memorandum of understanding.&#65533;
> >>Bah denies that part of the coalition&#65533;s problems is a result of 
> >>differences. He blames such thinking on detractors of the coalition who 
> >>says will say anything to tarnish the coalition&#65533;s image. He says 
> >>coalition has not dashed the hopes of the Gambian people.  &#65533;We 
>have not
> >>disappointed the people of Gambia. In fact we have rekindled  the hope 
> >>Gambians. And we have no doubt that come October 2006, there will be one
> >>credible opposition candidate against Yahya Jammeh, and Jammeh will
> >>definitely be defeated.&#65533;
> >>"javascript:popupWindow('/english/templates/email.cfm?url=/english/Africa/20
> >>06-02-13-voa61.cfm',300,200)"emailme.gifE-mail This Article
> >>"javascript:popupWindow2('2006-02-13-voa61.cfm?renderforprint=1',640,480)"pr
> >>interfriendly.gifPrint Version
> >>
> >>
> >>--
> >>Internal Virus Database is out-of-date.
> >>Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
> >>Version: 7.0.308 / Virus Database: 266.9.13 - Release Date: 4/16/2005
> >>
> >>
> >>
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> >
> >&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;
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