Well right now I am on the praise team at church and we plan on cutting a cd sometime this year.  But I want to do my own cd's also.  But I am being held up because of copyright stuff. I write songs and have to get them copy written and there are a few I have to wait for the other person's copyright to be able to use their song.  I might end up recording all my own songs on my own cd so I can try to get it out.  I don't expect to get any where but I love to sing so it will just be a dream I am trying to do myself.  I know what you mean about motivation.  I hardly have any now days.  If I did I would be further than what I am with my music.  But I have been rejected so many times I get this thought of what's the use it probably won't go anywhere like everything else I have done in my life.  I always tell everyone if I ever had a business I would only hire visually impaired people.  And I will.  If the rest of the world can decrimminate so can I.  I can always say.  I hired the most qualified and they are it. I can create a website with comcast but I have never done it so I guess I am just chicken.  If I wrote a book it would be about miracles and prophecies and such.  I might put my tesitmony in it somewhere just so people know how I came to find the Lord.  If you had your own business you may not have any depression to worry about because you would be to busy.  I hope.  I know I get depress when I don't have anything to do.  These are all good ideas. 

I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is

Karen Carter  '74
-KC- Ministries

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Sharon Hooley <[log in to unmask]>
> Karen,
> What are you doing with music?  I've thought of creating a web site off of 
> phil's RedWhiteAndBlue site, but I'm afraid to do it now because when I get 
> depressed, it seems like doing anything would be torture to me, so I plan to 
> just fill out orders here and there.  that doesn't sound good, does it? 
> It's easier for me to do something when I have some place to go, like an 
> office, and be given specific taks to get done, rather than working alone in 
> my room.  Maybe if I could make a big business out of it, I could have other 
> people, who are unemployed and looking to earn some extra income, work for 
> me, and someone can take over if my depression gets really bad.  Then maybe 
> people will come to my house, or we'll rent a building.  that would make it 
> easier for me.  Karen, if you are confident enough to make a commitment, 
> maybe you could have your own web site, if someone would allow you to link 
> to theirs without having to pay anything.  Didn't you say before that you 
> were working on a book about your testimony?  Of course, I don't think it 
> would be right to sell that kind of material with a marketing attitude, but 
> it's something you could work on, and like Paul did, earn what you need in 
> income.  What do you all think of these things?
> Sharon