Since I have them both on the same computer, its a shame that I can't make 
window-eyes use the jfw eloquence.  I guess that would be to easy.  Are 
there any other solutions other than dectalk or something similar?
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Don Bishop" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 9:28 PM
Subject: Re: help needed

Hi Richard,

Yes, jfw does have the better speech quality.  One reason is that they use a 
proprietary version of Eloquence where Window eyes uses the off-the-shelf
version.  So if you have the two screen readers on the same machine they 
will actually use two separate eloquence engines as window eyes cannot 
the presence of the jfw eloquence engine.


On Tue, 28 Feb 2006 21:17:15 -0500, Richard Fiorello wrote:

Hi everyone;
I am still trying to find a new home for my p2000 cw meter.  If you know any
blind hams that aren't on the list who might be interested keep me in mind.
I'm trying to get rid of priceless clutter.

Secondly as a totally unrelated question, has anyone here used both jfw and
window-eyes?  No we're not getting into the which is better battle but I
sent gw micro some e-mail asking how I could improve the speech quality
without going to a dectalk.  Jfw seems to have far superior speech.  I
thought that jfw used eloquence.  GW tells me that they too use eloquence.
If all that foolishness is correct I wonder why I'm not getting anything
like the same audio quality with window-eyes?
stumps me but lots of things do.

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