<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear Ms. Rose and Mr. Goff,

I'm sure my letter of outright disgust for the contemptuous comments by Ms. Truss on page five in her book Talk to the Hand isn't the first you'll receive, nor will it be the last. In fact, I've spent the better part of an afternoon reading the heartfelt outrage as members of the Celiac community forward copies of their letters to the Celiac support mail list that is our lifeline to survival. I can't find words to express my feelings upon learning that not only would someone actually write such hurtful words, but that an editor would actually allow them to go to print. 

In addition to celiac disease, Hoshimoto's thyroiditis, and precocious puberty, my eight year old daughter has type 1 diabetes for which she must endure six to ten injections of insulin each day in addition to eight or more finger sticks. I pray that neither of you, nor Ms. Truss will ever have to endure the heartbreak of watching their child blow out five candles on their gluten free birthday cake and announce "I wish I only had diabetes because celiac is just too hard."  

Being gluten intolerant is not a lifestyle choice. Being really, really mean is. Tell me, how much longer do we have to put up with that?

Mary C. Baechtel
Derwood, MD, USA

> " I now can't abide many, many things, and am actually always on the  lookout 
> for more things to find completely unacceptable. Whenever I hear  of someone 
> being 'gluten intolerant' or 'lactose intolerant', for example,  I feel I've 
> been missing out. I want to be gluten intolerant too. I mean,  how much longer 
> do we have to put up with that gluten crap?"  

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