and i dont need any scientific evidence. i can simply give my kid a reese 
peanut butter cup to remind me of how aweful life use to be.
its very hard to accept this. I KNOW this for a fact and it is still a 
constant struggle to accept it as being true.

so those of you who are just curious or who have children with bedwetting 
and snoring and ear infections and whatever... you gotta hang in there because 
it aint easy to explore nontraditional solutions even if they make perfect 

Ingesting dairy is a very real and very serious danger to a very large part 
of the population.

  It sounds like you actually found your own scientific evidence by doing your own experiments and finding your own discoveries. The only difference is you didn't get a pay check for doing it. You deserve a lot of credit for your determination. I can relate because we're going through it too. Sue

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