That is what I wxperienced also my big sister had a abortion two years before my death and when I got to Heaven a two year old boy was with my Mom.  When I asked who he was she said this is Aggie's little boy.  Also everyone that I knew appeared as they did on earth except like you said they did not have the wrinkles and such.  There was one thing thowough I seen these tow older ladies and they had glasses on.  i know they did not need glasses in Heaven but I think God had me see them that way.  I did not know who they were at the time but when I told my dad about it he said the one was his great aunt that died when he was 9 and his aunt that died when he was fifteen.  Before he told me this his face g9ot real white his hair stood up I thought he was having a heart attack.  I believe God used this insident to let me and my Dad know that God is real and that there is a Heaven.  Right before I died I was at the point where I was not sure there was a God and almost became a athiest.  So that was the only way he could get it into my head that He is real and there.  I wll have to write the whole experience later. 
I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is

-KC- Ministries
-------------- Original message --------------
From: Sharon Hooley <[log in to unmask]>

> I bought a book called 90 Minutes in Heaven. It was written by a baptist
> pastor, who was in a terrible accident and went to Heaven. He said that he
> recognized many people from his earthly life, and that they appear to be the
> same age as when they died, except of course the wrinkles are gone and
> everything else is perfect. He said that age doesn't matter.
> Sharon