Here is a question I have wondered about.  How old is everyone in Heaven.  I know there is not age but if there was what would it be.  I asked my pastor and he said he tought that everyone might appear as they did about thirtiesh because that is the prime of life and we are at our best about than.  What do you guys think.  I thought there would be children in Heaven too.  Although I don't remember reading anything like that in the Bible.
I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is

-KC- Ministries
-------------- Original message --------------
From: MV <[log in to unmask]>

> You are 42 years young. Happy Birthday! You got perhaps another 40 or 50
> years left so don't count yourself down for the count. There is so much
> truth to only being as old as one feels, and if one finds themselves old,
> then one merely needs to change how one feels spiritually, emotionally and
> physically as much as one can do. You are hardly old. I rang in the New
> Year catching Z's myself, but I'm not old. All those silly girls on
> campus? I am on a campus scene all the time at work, that is not being
> young, that is being immature, there is a difference. Its funny how one
> views themselves, I always thought you were young, not immature, but young
> for your years. I've seen and new some folks in their 70's 80's and 90's
> who acted young, and I've seen folks in their 40's 50's and 60's you'd
> swear were just abiding time until they closed the casket. Trust me, you
> are not that person or if you are, your life's evidence from this vantage
> point doesn't show it.
> Brad
> At 12:13 AM 1/3/2006 -0500, you wrote:
> >January 3rd is my birthday, guess how old I'll be?
> >I have been married for almost 21 years, have two girls one who just turned
> >20 and another who will turn 18 at the end of this month!!!
> >I am getting old, not as old as Phil yet!!!
> >But... old just the same,
> >You know you are old, when you can barely stay awake until midnight on New
> >Years's eve,
> >College really makes me feel old, I see all the young girls who have to
> >look perfect, act soooo silly, and I well, I am far from perfect, don't act
> >silly that much, and I know that I don't know everything!!!
> >Rhonda
> Brad
> Northwestern Wisconsin and Greater Twin Cities classified connection!