Father in Heaven thank your for you love of mothers and daughters.  We aske that you continue to be with Amy and her mother help them both to be able to grow in you and continue to bound them with your love and peace that passes all understanding.  Continue the healing of the husband and wife relationship also.  We know this instatution was a devine design of yours.  Thank you Jesus.  In your precious name we pray Amen 

I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is 

-KC- Ministries 

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: Amy Gordon <[log in to unmask]> 

> Hi all, 
> I got home yesterday from being away for a few days. Things seem to be 
> a little better. We will see how long it lasts. My Mom sat me down and 
> talked to me and told me she was going to leave but she stayed home and 
> spent time with God this week and decided she wasn't going to leave. She 
> prayed for a heart attack and it didn't happen so now she wants to start 
> over. She said that she knows she has hurt us and we've hurt her. She said 
> that she doesn't agree with everything but she doesn't want to give up her 
> family. She told me she loved me and we hugged and cried. I told her I 
> love her too. She said she was going to try to do better and I told her the 
> same. I also told her that I had been trying and it was going to be hard 
> bor me to put it all behind and start over but I would try. She said she 
> didn't want to know why. She came in my room and told me good night and 
> come and told me before she left that she had ham downstairs for me to eat 
> and where she was going to work at and huged me. So please continue praying 
> for us. They go back to counseling tomorrow. 
> Amy 
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Rhonda Partain" 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 8:11 PM 
> Subject: classes start again Tuesday 
> > Hi, my classes start again Tuesday, so far... no books here yet!!!! 
> > But hoping they arrive soon!!!! 
> > How is everyone this evening? 
> > April, how are you feeling? 
> > Cicki are you taking any classes this term? 
> > 
> > Virgi, how are you doing? 
> > Hey, how is the piano business, has it picked up any? Maybe some will 
> make 
> > a resolve to practice more and realize their piano is out of tune. 
> > Sharon, what's going with you lately? 
> > Kathy, how are you doing, anything exciting happening, anything good 
> > exciting!! 
> > Jen, good to see you back on the list. Hope we didn't scare your husband 
> > away before, we can be a bit opionated at times!!! But for all our 
> opinions, 
> > we have just as much love. 
> > How are the rest of you? 
> > Sandy, how are you? 
> > How is Grechin doing? 
> > Any good news with the New Year? 
> > Well, anyone else I didn't mention, tell us how you are. 
> > I am fine, Ben is feeling some better since we got lots of his 
> medications 
> > through a patience assistance program. He still can't go to doctor visits 
> > because we don't have insurance, but at least he can take the medication 
> > Rhondathat controls his blood pressure. 
> > Brad, how goes the song writing? Got any you want to share?