I am on a few list and I usually get 193-250 a day
I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is

-KC- Ministries
-------------- Original message --------------
From: Sharon Hooley <[log in to unmask]>

> Rhonda and all,
> Thanks for caring about all of us, Rhonda.
> Yesterday I stayed home from Daybreak to work on technical ends to my music
> business. I called Dancing Dots tech support and had to leave a message. I
> found out later that he did not check his messages. Ever notice how someone
> says on an answering machine that he/she will call back as soon as possible,
> but you never get a call back? The same with e-mail.
> Speaking of e-mail, I get a lot of it, so I unsubscribed from two deaf-blind
> lists. It still takes up a lot of my time during the week after I get home.
> i need to knock it off! (smile)
> Phil, you may recall that I said there was going to be a wedding at our
> house Tuesday evening. Well, I apparently misunderstood. It's Saturday,
> the 7th, not the third. Anyway guys, I'm playing my old keyboard for that.
> My sister Judy is coming to help me know when to start and when to stop.
> Blanca invited her because she wants to learn about El Salvadorian food,
> which her daughter Blanca wants after her wedding in June. (Yes, my care
> provider and my niece have the same name!) My niece, as well as her adopted
> brother, both came from Guatemala, and Blanca's mother came from El
> Salvador. My helper Blanca came from El Salvador when she was 16 or 17.
> She has been caring for people for maybe about 25 years! We need more
> people like her, don't we? She and Jose are very kind people.
> Sharon