I also shop at Publix, and use the Silk (blue box) soy milk. It comes in 
pint, quart and 1/2 gallon sizes and I have found no difference when I cook 
with it. Even my non-allergic family members can't tell the difference until 
they see me eating something they thought was a dairy food.
BTW, I've never used Farm Rich... is it any good?

>From: Jon Lewis <[log in to unmask]
>One by one, the local Publix grocery stores have stopped carrying Farm Rich 
>non-dairy creamer...which I've used as a milk substitute for years in 
>anything from dry cereal to pancakes.  They replaced it on the shelves with 
>their own store brand which is UD.  They do sell 8th Continent soy milks, 
>but only in half gallon jugs.  I don't use it often enough to go through 
>that fast enough.  Has this happened in other areas?  If so, what are you 
>doing for a non-dairy (parve preferred) milk substitute suitable for 
>cooking with or eating on cheerios?