Keep up the Lord's work April.  Good job.

I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is

-KC- Ministries

-------------- Original message --------------
From: April Reisinger <[log in to unmask]>

> I talked to Marilyn's Ex-husband today and he is still very confused about
> what happened in his life during the past few weeks. I expressed my concern
> for him that he wouldn't allow this to let depression really set in as he is
> a diabetic, extremely overweight, living-alone male. He doesn't get out
> much, so he promised me that he would come to dinner with me next Monday to
> have a good solid dinner. I told him straight up front that the only agenda
> I have is to be his friend and let him know that I care for him and his
> physical and spiritual well-being. I know not to preach to him, but I must
> live Christ before him and take advantage of opportunities that present
> themselves to share Christ's love for him. Please continue to pray that I
> do the right thing in this dilemma. Marilyn encouraged me to invite him but
> she feels that he won't show up even though he says he will. Well, for
> starters, he is holding my knitting ransome and I'll have to get that back
> from him and I can't get to him. Haha. O, Lord, use my humble mistakes in
> the knitting bag to bring Your Love and Redemption to my friends. And,
> contrary to the wayward judge speaking about the Indiana senate's opening in
> prayer, In the name of our beloved Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
> *Smile*
> April