On Thu, 1 Dec 2005 12:34:50 -0800, Susan Carmack <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Hi Ginny,
>>Artificial concentration, especially by removing fiber, or anything
>>that adds labor to the eating, like bones, peels, husks, hides, makes
>>foods entirely too easy to OD upon.\
>I find it too easy to OD upon pemmican. Does anybody else have a pemmican

YES!  I love the stuff TOO much.  The only kind I've tried is from US
Wellness Meats.  I just received a new batch -- this one is supposedly made
just from beef, tallow - salt -- NO cherries or honey. I'm still confused
as to how many calories/carbs/fat and protein grams the bars contain -- but
it's supposed to be 55%protein; 45% tallow.