On Tue, 13 Dec 2005 10:03:48 -0500, William <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I can boost my blood pressure from low normal for my age to 156/93 by
>having a coffee and cigar for breakfast.
>This means to me that food really IS medicine.
>Families tend to be very conservative about food, so he will be eating
>something like what his mother trained him to eat, and suffer the same

Thanks so much for responding Todd and William!  I really appreciate your
thoughts and insights.  And William - you are so right about hubby eating
like his mommy trained him!  We were visiting over there once and she truly
encourages him to gorge on sugars ie candy, baked goods (not even homemade -
- rather the total junk from the store ie refined flour, hydrogenated oils
etc etc.) so when I commented that we had just finished breakfast and I
didn't see why he needed to continue eating especially sugar -- she got
very annoyed and cooed "let him eat it" like I was denying him something
necessary.  Took lots of paleo willpower not to punch her out... I cook my
own food when we visit because I cannot bear what she does to perfectly
good meat.  Her idea of beef stew is miniscule pieces of beef smothered in
potatos,carrots and KETCHUP!!! Barf!  There's probably as much sugar in
her "beef stew" as there is in a slice of pie.

She HAS created a sugar junkie -- she herself is a lard ass and makes sure
to comment that I look just awful -- too thin blah blah blah... better
check my own bloodpressure... just thinking about that woman makes my blood