<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Final extractions...thanks again!!

Probiotics are great!  Sugar, fat, and carbs grow yeast that reduces
absorption in the gut and gets our good bacteria down too low and our bad
too high. Yeast overgrowth can zap your energy levels and cause all sorts
of problems. I take them all the time and higher doses when on antibiotics.
I take a probiotic with each meal. I have had Celiac for two years, at
least that's when the Drs. found out what was wrong. He told me I would
have to take the Probiotics as long as I live due to the severe damage done
by the Celiac.
Eat yogurt daily and it really helps with digestion.
For a probiotic, I would take stoneyfield farms yogurt...It has 6 active
culture rather than just acidophilus.  Whenever I have a sinus infections,
I seem to get sore ankles which resolves when I do antibotics...usually a
sulfa based one.  I got horrible gut pain for a tetracycline many years ago
& haven't taken any in that family since.
Have you discussed the joint pain with your doctor?  Has your Lyme titer
risen or dropped?  Have you been tested for other tick diseases  (babesia,
erhlichia, RMSF and any others humans get)?  I would be very concerned that
the doxy did not wipe out your Lyme infection, and this can be serious.
Please remember that I am a veterinarian, and species differences are
important.  You should see your doctor!!  If your doctor does not
successfully deal with Lyme's disease on a regular basis, get a referral to
someone who does!  Horses with these problems, often have owners with the
same problems, and I have heard some  terrible stories about what Lymes
does if it is not treated  aggressively!
Something to think about, Lyme disease has been implicated in a disease
called Avascular Necrosis (AVN).  One of the symptoms of AVN is severe
joint pain.  I have it bilaterally in the knees, hips, shoulders, wrists
and the spine.  Mine was from corticosteroids.  The docs in the West will
tell you that the only cure is a joint replacement. however, I found a
doctor in China who cures AVN using traditional Chinese medicines. I have
been doing his therapy for 5 months and it is slowly starting to work.
I too had Lyme Disease recently - over late summer. I was on Doxy - the
same dose - for six weeks. It does cause nausea. I took mine with rice
cakes, which helped. Joint pain is a symptom of Lyme - classic.  If you
suspect you are NOT completely over the Lyme, due to prolonged symptoms,
then I would not hesitate to return to your doctor for extended Doxy
treatment. Six weeks is the minimum now - for doctors in the know.

I had terrible joint pain/headache/migraine/jaw pain with the Lyme. But it
is gone now.
To find out more put "Lyme Disease" and "Celiac" into google and you should
come up with a lot of hits.  I belong to the Gluten Sensitivity/Celiac
Forum at Brain Talk and there are a few discussions there about treating
Lyme. They also host a Lyme forum, but it isn't as active as the Gluten

Here's the address there:


Put Lyme into the forum's search box to find our discussions.

To reduce pain:

I use Swedish Bitters and Arnica extract to alleviate pain. I rub the
extracts on the affected joints, muscles, etc. and the pain goes away.
Drink about 1/4 cup of RW Knudsen Just Black Cherry juice daily. It is
really good for pain - if I stop drinking this, my fingers swell with
Rheumatoid Arthritis. If this product is not available in your area, any
black cherry juice that contains only cherries and water will do. It may
take several months to have an effect.
I also have joint and muscle pain. I have Arthritis and Fibromyalgia. I
have found that taking two Quercitin tablets at breakfast and dinner helps.

~ End of Summary

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