> I have found that doctors are often not well
> educated on nutrition.
> Kristine's Dr. might be enlightened, however.  I
> don't object to people who
> want to follow Rosedale's diet limiting their
> protein intake and still
> calling themselves Paleo.  I am sure that if I found
> fault with them then I
> would open myself up for criticism for drinking raw
> milk (way not paleo).
> Wayne H
I work with two doctors - my original doctor referred
me to the one I mentioned in my post. He is an
Otolaryngologist but has a different view and process
than your average doctor. Both of them believe that a
doctor should treat the cause rather than the symptoms
(FINALLY) and if at all possible with as little
medication as possible. He claims that no medication
can achieve what the human body can achieve.

He is not hardcore Paleo but sees no problem with the
fact that I follow that lifestyle (neither does the
other doctor). I have had two visits with him, at
which he spent about 45 minutes with me each, and I
have been impressed with his knowledge after each one.
He also works with a lot of athletes and is an athlete
himself. I sent him an email about protein being
converted to glucose, kidney damage, etc. and will
share any answers I get back.
