Mine too Kathy.  To many times I think not just me we froget that God is in control of absolutely everything.  I was having a very hard time last week.  Not only have I lost the house but I went back to see if anyone was living there because I was hoping it wasn't just going to waist empty.  Well, it was completely gone.  I was hurt that, or I should say the reality of never getting it back slapped me in the face,  Now I know I fave a better greater mansion in Heaven and that the puney house down hear is notheing and it is God's and he has the right to do what he wants with it.  But I was still holding on to the light in the bathroom promising I would never loose it.  I even had dreams where it was given to someone else but than I would get it back.  It was probably my wishful thinking.  Well I went to the alter Sunday to ask for forgiveness and for me to draw closer to God.  And now I am ok and know that it does not matter if I ever see the house again.  It was just another chapter in my life that has come to an end and a new one has begun.   I also learned that when God says there will be no more condensation against you.  It means the devil can not accuse or throw my past at me.  I thought it just meant my sins were forgotten.  It was a real revelation for me because now when satin attacks with his lies I can throw that verse at him.  Also I learned that when we have the urge to repent for our sins it is not us wanting to go to the alter it is God egging us on.  I was really touched by this because I got so mad at God I swore and I felt like he would not want me anymore.  I cannot think of how much God really loves us without crying like a baby. And we don not even deserve it.  I know I don't  Prasie the Lord for his word.  And I cannot thank him enough that I was wise enough to answer the call
I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is

-KC- Ministries
-------------- Original message --------------

> "Be still and know that I am God." has become a very powerful
> statement of fact in my life. Kathy
> At 10:30 AM 11/15/2005, you wrote:
> >Kathy,
> >
> >That is very interesting you would say silence is the sound of holiness
> >because that was what the Lord showed me recently. As I have already said,
> >there is no one answer to my question but silence seems to be one of them.
> >
> >Phil.