I have been eating Paleo for 10 months, my daughter has Celiac disease and
eats mostly what we eat. None of us eat any sugars.

I have observed in my case that I have experienced improved athletic
performance without training. I have read other observations that people
experience performance gains that are not necessarily associated with
training effect.  That is pretty cool in and of itself but I now have noted
another phenomenon related to exercise.  I do not have related muscle
soreness after resuming an exercise or increasing intensity.

My daughter decided she wanted six pack abs. So, she asked "would 100 sit
ups twice a day do the trick."  Based on what I have experienced over twenty
years of exercising and experiencing the related effects,  I thought it
would probably work if she could survive the initial crippling pain. I would
think that going from sedentary couch potato to 200 sit ups a day would be
pretty tough. She has done 1000 sit ups in the last week and has not
complained of any related stiffness or muscle pain.

I don't read a lot about athletic performance except for how it impacts
macronutrient consumption. Has anybody run across research related to Paleo
eating and athletic performance? Is this something worthy of researching?

Wayne H