>There is some evidence to suggest that switching from a "normal" diet to
>a lowcarb, high-saturate diet may cause a temporary spike in LDL
>cholesterol, but that after six months or so, LDL returns to where it
>started or even lower.  But if the theory above is correct, even though
>some people may not get much LDL reduction on a lowcarb (paleo or not)
>diet, they are likely to get a strong triglyceride reduction, an HDL
>increase, and an overall reduction in cardiac risk.  Their total
>cholesterol may still look "high" by general practice standards, but
>their risk is low.
>This page has some useful information:
>Todd Moody
>[log in to unmask]

The last passage in Tom's post describes my experience. I have been eating
paleo for almost a year.

I have an annual blood screening and this year had two additional screenings
for employment reasons.  The first was baseline for my old SAD lifestyle and
had ~230 w/25hdl.  My cholesterol went to 330 w/45 hdl then descended to
280/45 and finally 220/45.

I was pretty shocked when my results came back with a 330 cholesterol and
decided to research the whole cholesterol thing to see if I was being fool
hearty and taking undue risk. I could not find the smoking gun that links
serum cholesterol to heart disease.  If I were a conspiracy theorist I would
jump to the conclusion that 'The MAN' is covering up the truth about heart
disease to profit on the lie that is being passed off as fact, but I am not.

In the mean time triglyceride levels dropped from 200 to  70 in that span.
The only thing that bothered me was glucose level hovered around 95 and
finally went to 105.  I thought eating low carb would lower my blood sugar
but it hasn't.

I know this isn't the running or exercising thread but I still find the lack
of muscle soreness amazing.
