
You wrote:

Lang said:

"Yaya Jammeh may be this or that, but I am yet to see him fight the
members of his party."

You darn skippy, I did say that, but what else was added to that statement and why did you fail to bring that to your readers?  I also said that Yaya would get rid of anyone he has no use for, or don't feel like working with.  Ofcourse you can disagree with that assertion, but give me an instance where Yaya stood to condemn his own party members whilst  they are still in the party.  You folks are very good at twisting words, and always get into this sick behaviour of taking a part of what others say and try to make something crappy out of it.  I am not going to sit here and take your bull.  You will certainly get it if you choose to go that way.  Whatever is wrong with giving a brotherly advice to my fellow countryfolks?  Is it too much to ask my people to exercise tolerance?  If the interest of the Gambia is what is at heart, I do not see any DAMN thing wrong asking for that.  How many times have I got to tell you what my intent was with that email.  I did not name names, I did not send it to any private email.  I made the comments on the GAMBIA-L, which is not anyone's private duelling.  Your buddy Njie called me a liar,and I am yet to know what I lied about.  You guys need to GROW UP, and refrain from using such ugly words.  The more you come out with these NONSENSES, the more you TARNISH your own image.

So why not go to heaven, and leave the peace alone.


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