"This is the type of moral corruption that never ceases to amaze me in
Gambians. You can be the worse lying, scheming and what not character, but
far as you are economical with your adjectives, you are an OK guy. One is
in a dilemma between whether to laugh or cry."

Kabir, most of the time I feel like crying with the nauseating character
that we adorned.  Among some Gambians, you cannot even call a liar just
that, without them invoking on the scriptures.  Yet, the same Quran they
love to recite, talks at length about liars.  That is what I call selective
emphasis.  Yes, after Lang stole millions, what do you see him do?  Worse
still, you see hypocrites galore join him, because the miserly behavior in
them is triggered, why?  They think Lang must have stashed a little
something on the side that they can mooch on when Lang regains his sanity.

In this day and age when Gambians are being murdered by Yaya and his thugs,
you have foxes out here worried to death about a Gambian that never done
them, their relatives, or community any harm.  Why would any Gambian with a
sound mind and body even loose sleep on Joe, when the blood of Gambians are
shed by a butcher?  Why?  One must be insane with a malady to lapse that

After Conteh et al lied in front of all of us, this same freak turn the
tables around to tell us how folks in Faraba Banta praise him for his
respectful nature.  Now, what does that have to do with the price of tea in
China?  Zip!  For him to come to us after that big white lie, only to pat
himself on the back about how a phantom he created in his mind drooled on
his respectful self, really gives us an insight of how this fellow thinks.
Yet, with all that, you will see Gambians around him of like character.

This my friend, is the reason why Yaya can line up those religious leaders,
cursed them out and threatened others, dip into his "Alarubeh" outfit and
"Dankaal" them with a little something and all stretch their hands to
commence the "Al Faatia" (spelling may be off) for Allah to bless him with
more so, he can in return give them more the next time around.  In politics,
that is called the patron-client relationship.  To those of us that know
better, they are actually siding with him to further fleece the nation so
they can get their cut - trinkets, even if it is a cup of rice, yes, that
little.  That completes the fraud triangle per the ACFE - Need,
Rationalization, and Opportunity.  What our "elders" and "religious leaders"
do is to help Yaya rationalize his fleecing the nation, all wrapped in a
religious shroud and hypocrisy.  The participants in this act know exactly
what they are doing, just like Conteh and kin know the fraud they represent.

After Yaya, NADD and future governments have a long clean up to do for the
cancer that afflicts us has roots anchored deep within us.  I am hopeful
though, that the principled men and women that compose NADD will turn Gambia
around the corner, even with this dead weight.

Chi Jaama


>From: Njaajaan Njaay <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Credibility/ Mr Sanneh
>Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 10:30:11 -0800
>     Joe,
>   This is the type of moral corruption that never ceases to amaze me in
>Gambians. You can be the worse lying, scheming and what not character, but
>as far as you are economical with your adjectives, you are an OK guy. One
>is caught in a dilemma between whether to laugh or cry.
>   And before you know it they are invoking Allah!
>   Look at Yaya when he manouvered his way into a position to run for
>office.Overnight he turned into an "Alarubeh" (remember Pakin?), sporting a
>rosary longer than Komeni's and feigning piety deeper than the Prophet's.
>   Sana Sabally, after behaving worse than Edi Amin, terrorising innocent,
>defenceless civilians for the short duration that he was in the Junta,
>suddendly found Allah and became a Quran worm when framed and locked up.
>   Then of course came thief number two, after Yaya himself, Lang Conteh.
>When finally sacrificed and locked up, he metamorphosed over night into
>latter-day deciple of the the Prophet! Quran totaing and all.
>   Don't you feel like laughing but wondering whether you should cry
>instead or the other way round? Geez, Gambians!
>   When I read about Yaya's rudeness towards the Muslim Leaders I lamented
>once more the loss of the earsrwhile elders of Banjul, like Alagi Sulay
>Sarr, Pa Ousman Njie and others. Those elders would have told Yaha to shove
>it, half-way thru his lunatic rantings, not saving on the adjectives, and
>walk out.
>   Although such characters are an endangered spieces today, you can
>continue to stand tall because you are truely among them!
>   Regards,
>   Kabir.
>Joe Sambou <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>   Kabir, this is the mess our people are in. We cannot even tell each
>the simple truth. The man lied to us here and is rambling here about being
>polite and what not, completely refusing to bring out the evidence he and
>his partners say they have or apologizing for their fabrications. Any other
>community would have told these fabricators off, but no, not ours. We keep
>colluding and colluding to no end. Look at the behavior here and and change
>the names to any of the lapdogs of Yaya and you get the same character
>manifest itself. The L has never been the same since those lies, yet this
>same breed are here telling more stories, and they shamelessly continue to
>defend the indefensible, with malice and willful disregard of the truth.
>You know what, I have better things to do but will never be tired to call
>these liars and fabricators just what they are. Among some of us, are
>people that can see S*** but will shamelessly insist that they see pudding.
>Look at who is around Yaya today and you will not fail to see the same
>character in this bunch. How can someone tell a big ass lie and they are
>called just what they are, yet folks focus on niceties. Our behavior as a
>people is what has corroborated with the murderous attitude of Yaya to our
>current state.
>Chi Jaama
> >From: Amadu Kabir Njie
> >Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
> >
> >To: [log in to unmask]
> >Subject: Re: Credibility/ Mr Sanneh
> >Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 15:36:08 +0000
> >
> > I have much more to do than your lying and scheming self. Call me what
> >you may but I am not a liar like you Conteh, the worst that a human being
> >can be!
> >
> > Kabir.
> >
> >Jassey Conteh wrote:
> > Your message is the most funniest I have ever read. Do you have
> >something else to do in life?
> >May God have pity on your disrespectful soul.
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Amadu Kabir Njie
> >Sent: Nov 15, 2005 10:21 AM
> >To: [log in to unmask]
> >Subject: Re: Credibility/ Mr Sanneh
> >
> >Conteh, I see why you are so prone to lying; it is because you are
> >delusional too; contiune with your hallucinations.... In this sentence: "
> >Please don't insult our intelligence, WHOEVER you really are, Sankareh OR
> >Tunkara" it is only your convuluted mind that can read a definitive
> >You have been caught lying and scheming so many times you are scraping
> >craving to have gotten something right. You call yourself a
> >teacher/lecturer when you cannot even fathom the situational nature of:
> >whether A or B ? (whether Sankareh or Tunkareh). You are a tragedy,
> >Kabir. Mr. Njie: Then I have proven you wrong when you wrongly accused
> >Sankareh as bein g Mr. Tunkara. If we want to engage each other, we have
> >be objective and fair . Thus, wrongly accussing an innocent person is
> >something as serious as blatant tribalism. I believe in all sincerity you
> >are not objective. When you are cornered fo r subjectivity, you have no
> >choice
> >but to take a deaf ear. As usual, characters like you are damagi ng the
> >integrity of a honest debate. Good luck in your future. This case is
> >closed. Naphiyo, Comrade Jassey-Conteh
> >
> >
> >
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